Secondary School

Another Win for Trinity!
On Tuesday afternoon this week, Matteo Redolatti (8.3), Spencer Hathrill (8.2) and Jasper Morris-Luck (8.5) represented Trinity College at the Western Australian Debating League (WADL) - Schools Debating Competition and won their debate against the team from Shenton College.
The topic for the afternoon was: This house would abolish compulsory voting in Australia, with Trinity debating on the Negative. Preparation for this debate had started prior to the April holidays, and it was great to see the Novice boys return to school with some thoughtful points and well-developed speeches.
On the day of the debate itself, we had a last-minute change to our team line-up due to some unforeseen circumstances. Newcomer Jasper Morris-Luck stepped in at the last minute and, working alongside both Matteo and Spencer, managed to deliver a confident speech despite never having debated before. The boys all delivered some very thoughtful points as well as some clever and convincing rebuttals, and it was great to see the teamwork and camaraderie between them that afternoon. It is this TC Spirit that I am sure secured us the win.
It is always wonderful to work with such enthusiastic students and I look forward to more great debates over the coming fixtures of the WADL Debating season.
Su-fen Chung
Debate Coordinator
TCMC Expressions of Interest
The newly formed Trinity College Media Corporation (or TCMC) is looking for students who enjoy filming and photography and would be willing to assist in the filming and photographing of College events. They will work alongside Ms Bryant (TC Media Teacher) and at times the TC Marketing and Communications team to create content to promote the College and assist College staff with events.
Students do not have to study Media to be involved, they just require an interest in filming, photography and possibly editing and design and be willing to contribute free time to assist in the running of TCMC.
One of the key events is the filming of 1st team PSA sport in Terms 2 and 3, for both home and away games. So those students with an interest in sports broadcasting are really encouraged to apply.
Any interested students (from Years 8-12) are asked to complete the attached form by Friday 10 May and then Ms Bryant will be in touch via the morning notices. Students who have already completed this form do not need to re-submit, as I already have your names!
TCMC looks forward to hearing from you!
Ms Rebecca Bryant
Media Teacher
UWA Exam Experts
Monday 1 - Friday 5 July 2024
UWA ATAR Revision and Exam Preparation Courses will be held in the July School Holidays to help prepare Year 12 students for their ATAR exams.
2024 Ball Photos
The much-awaited 2024 Ball photos are now ready! Simply click the link below and insert the password to immerse yourself in the memories from the unforgettable night.
Guest Password: 5653