3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones,  Nicole Riley, Viv Matic and Emily Whitfield

What has been happening in the 3/4 Area?

Welcome back to term 2! Grade 3/4 students have been very busy doing lots of learning! We have been looking at narratives in Literacy, Addition, Subtraction and Money in Maths, Sustainability and Energy in Discovery,  as well as Gratitude and developing playgrounds using recycled materials for those less fortunate than us through our Wellbeing Program. 

Here's one for families at home.... 

This image came from The Resilience Project lesson on Gratitude

*What do you notice about this photo? 

*Why do you think these children are smiling?

*What are these children grateful for?


In 3/4 D...

We have been learning about and exploring narrative texts in our Literacy block. We have pulled apart and looked at different parts that make up a narrative and what a good narrative is/has. 

We have explored the orientation, rising events, problems, falling actions, resolutions and conclusions- looking at each part in detail and planning what to include in each paragraph to create an imaginative and descriptive narrative writing piece. 


After planning, working on and editing our stories, we have been able to publish our stories. Take a look at some of the wonderful authors!

By Nash
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By Nash
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By Omar A & Omar T
By Omar A & Omar T
By Alaska Farah
By Alaska Farah
By Kahleesi Hogan
By Kahleesi Hogan
By Poppy
By Poppy