Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia, Mrs Amanda Johnson, Mrs Kaila Guglielmino & Ms Julie Keefe


Last week, the Grade 2s had a sleepover at school. We all were so EXCITED! Students went for a night walk, did a craft activity, ate some yummy pizza, had some delicious ice cream, watched a movie and then it was time for bed. 

Although the teacher's didn't get a whole lot of sleep, it was so nice to see all of the students be so excited. For some students, it was their first night away from their families. Well done to all the students! 


Thank you to all the parents for the preparation in the lead up and to all of the other staff members who volunteered their time on Friday morning to assist the Grade 2 teachers in preparing breakfast and cleaning up the classroom's ready for the day. A special mention to Kate Purdey, who came in to help with making the student lunches for Friday! We are very grateful for your help. 


We hope everyone had a fun time. 

Enjoy having a look at the pictures!