Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

This week has been a very busy week in 1B! 


In Word Study we are learning to sort base words and add a suffix (either 's', 'ed' or 'ing') to create a new word. We do this through differentiated group sorting tasks. This week our base words all had the 'ea' sound in them.


In Writing we are continuing our focus on Narratives. This week we focused on the text 'Just another ordinary day' by Rod Clement. We visualised our favourite part of the story and wrote about why it was our favourite part. 

Abdulrahim El Helou
Saima Sari
Clem Dehnert
Maddy Cerase
Lily Buskalowa
Freya Germain
Felicity Badman
Ryan Kheirkhan
Felicity Badman
Mia Zappone
Georgie Knight
Jude El Fares
Lachlan Nelva
Caleb Jones
Grace Moffat
Mohamad Rabah
Abdulrahim El Helou
Saima Sari
Clem Dehnert
Maddy Cerase
Lily Buskalowa
Freya Germain
Felicity Badman
Ryan Kheirkhan
Felicity Badman
Mia Zappone
Georgie Knight
Jude El Fares
Lachlan Nelva
Caleb Jones
Grace Moffat
Mohamad Rabah


In Maths our focus for this week has been 2D shapes. We drew some 2D shape people and also made 2D shapes using pop sticks. We had to describe the features of different shapes with our partner.

In Discovery we have continued our work on the weather. We investigated rainbows and how they form. We have also been learning about the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We made a seasons wheel to show the seasons of the Kulin Nation and how this links to the seasons 'Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring'.

seasons wheel
investigating how to make a rainbow
seasons wheel
investigating how to make a rainbow


I hope you have enjoyed a snapshot of life in 1B! It has been a fabulous week of learning.