Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef and Mrs Josie Stocchero

Mrs Kate Warburton (ES - Prep A) 

Prep Numeracy

As we are now well settled into our routines, Preps have been very busy over the weeks learning new concepts in Maths. Last week we played lots of games and completed activities learning about ‘subtraction’. This is a difficult concept to grasp but the Prep students did an amazing job at showing their understanding. 



Prep Discovery Learning

One thing the Preps look forward to every week is spending some time in our amazing Discovery Learning Centre located in the BER. They thoroughly enjoy spending time in there and exploring new games and activities. There are lots of things to explore in this area like games, toys, kitchen set up, dress ups, puppets, art activities, puzzles, drawing, books, Lego, cards, etc... This particularly allows the students to build good friendships, learn how to share and cooperate with each other, as well as have fun.




Upcoming Prep Events – Watch this space for photos of the Preps Special Person’s Afternoon, our Animal Land Excursion, Prep Breakfast, data collecting and graphing and our amazing recounts. Yes, preps are writing!! Woohoo!