

Mrs Rowena Lytton

What an amazing beginning to term 2! I am so proud to have witnessed so many respectful interactions and even more importantly, students showing others how to be respectful to others. It really shows how our community can come together to support each other.


Some of you may be aware that today is 'Do It For Dolly Day'. This is a day designed to bring awareness to bullying and ensure children- particularly teens get the support they need if faced with a situation they can't deal with on their own. For more information please click on the link 



What can you do at home

-Talk to your children about what is happening in their friendship groups and what they can do to seek help if they need it

-Remind them that they do not need to be disrespectful just because other students are.

-Explain that they can be role models to their friends if they are saying or doing hurtful things

-monitor your child's online interactions and set clear boundaries on what they have access too and when.