Community Engagement

School Council - Community Engagement Team

Working Bee

It is that time again for our Term 2 Working Bee. 

Sunday 26th May from 10am-2pm. 

There will be a sausage sizzle for a lunch.


There will be a number of school ground tasks that you can lend a hand with.

  • weeding
  • blowing leaves
  • digging out pits
  • general tidy up 
  • and a few other tasks 


Mother's Day Stall

Thank you once again for the parent volunteers for their help in setting up the stalls on Tuesday afternoon, Zaf, April and Peter.

Here are our terrific community members  that came to help on the day of selling - it was also great to see Bev coming back to help again!



It was great to see our student leaders also helping out by selling items to other students.

Special thanks to families who donated items for the stall and those who were creative and made items. 

I hope whoever receives any of these gifts feel very loved, as it was selected just for you.