What's Happening In Grade 3

What a busy couple of weeks we’ve had at school. It was so great to see so many mums come to the “Fun with Mum” morning. Then we had Athletics Day, where we competed in different track and field events and scored points for our houses. Finally, at the Education Expo we were able to show our parents and families the different STEM activities we participate in at school.


We have learnt about the structure and features used in narrative texts. We are now including facts to create factual narratives.  We were fortunate enough again to welcome Stephen Graham back into our classrooms. Stephen Graham is Mackellar's literacy consultant, and the students are always excited to work with him. He began to work with the students to create a factual narrative text. We were pleased to see so much enthusiasm and energy from the students to participate and complete their task. We will continue with factual narratives and look forward to hearing the students’ stories.



This term, we have been continuing on with our Place Value unit. We have consolidated our knowledge about renaming, ordering and rounding numbers up to 5 digits. For our measurement and geometry unit, students have been engaged in learning about time and length. For time, students learnt to read to the nearest 5 minute, whilst also learning about and reviewing quarter to and quarter past. For length, students used informal units such as unifix and formal units like rulers (30cm) and (1m) to measure objects within our classroom.  They also measured specific body parts. Additionally, they have compared the different measurements of length. The students are excited to continue on with our mathematical journey!


Students have continued to work on School Wide Positive Behaviour values lessons in our classrooms to create a classroom matrix for the Grade 3 area, as well as exploring the history of Australia. We are learning about celebrations and commemorations that are observed in Australia. We are investigating the lives of first Australians as well as the arrival of the First Fleet. We are looking at the changes to Australia over time and how and why these changes have occurred. We have enjoyed reading the stories, so far, of people who migrated to Australia and the way they have influenced the rich and diverse way we live today. Some students will share their personal stories of parents and grandparents who migrated to Australia.


Ann Gemayel and Linda Varol

Grade 3 Teachers