2024 School Council

Dear Parents, 


A strong focus for school council over the past 18 months has been to promote and expand parental involvement at the school, and over the past few weeks and months it has been so rewarding to see this work bearing fruit. 


Many of you will remember The Fathering Project event last term where hundreds of community members joined us for a night celebrating dads' involvement with their children through paper plane flying. More recently we saw so many parents here for our athletics day with many helping out at events or cheering on their children. 


Last week of course we held our annual Education Week Expo, this time combined as our Fathering Project event for term 2 (I've included the photographs in another article).  With the theme of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), the night was hugely successful. All of our classrooms and learning spaces were a buzz with excitement as parents and children explored, created, puzzled, ate and had fun. It was a great way to celebrate all that is exciting at Mackellar Primary School, and with state education overall. 

Amongst all of these whole school events, Kylie Kennedy has been running smaller parent helper courses inducting parents in how they can assist in classrooms. Whilst the groups were small, we hope this will be the start of something bigger with parents helping out in classrooms across the school.  If you would be interested in being a parent helper, please see Kylie herself or let the office know and Kylie will contact you. 


On other matters, the take up of Spriggy for canteen ordering has been highly successful. If you haven't done so already, download the app and you'll be good to go.  Remember though, you can still use the good old fashioned brown paper bag and cash if that is what suits your family. 




Vince Scarfo

School Council President