Principal's Report 

 Dear Parents, 


Last week Kylie Kennedy and Jo Wood joined me at the Brimbank/Melton Principals Forum where principals from across our area joined together for a range of topics. Whilst there, the Area Executive Director Charles Branciforte acknowledged the great work done by staff at Mackellar Primary School and presented us with a Gold Award for School-Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPBS). Gold Awards are given for work done to a very high standard over several years, and it is testament to both the dedication and commitment of all staff that this has been achieved.  Well done in particular to the SWPBS team for their exceptional work led by Jo Wood. 

DE Area Executive Director Charles Branciforte with Jo Wood
DE Area Executive Director Charles Branciforte with Jo Wood







As you would know, one of our school values is resilience. We can think of resilience as someone picking themselves up, dusting themselves off and getting back to it. However, building resilience doesn't just happen, however school camps are a perfect way to continue the process in a different environment.

Later this week, 50 of our grade three and four students will head off to Cave Hill Creek Camp for three days/two nights to experience canoeing, archery, low-ropes and other fun-filled events that also take them out of their comfort zone, develop independence and challenge them in things they may have never done. . 

 No doubt they will have an amazing time and we can't wait to hear all about it. 

Following that, the next big event at school is our Enrolment Information Night to be held on May 29th from 5:15pm. If you have a child who will be in grade prep next year please come along and share your experiences, and/or learn from others. Our student leaders will be taking tours of the school for new families, there will be a sausage sizzle for all and an information session including Q & A. If you know of someone who has a child for prep next year, please pass on this information. 

Kind Regards, 


Simon McGlade
