Creating Futures Together

Year 9 Morrisby Career Interviews – Tailored Career Guidance 


During the last week of term 1 almost 100 one on one career conversations took place for Year 9 students who completed their Morrisby Career Profile.   


The interviews took place online in the Library with an independent Career Consultant who assisted students with ‘unpacking’ their Morrisby Profile.  It was great to see that many parents also joined their child’s meeting. 


The Morrisby Profile encourages students to think about their interests, strengths, goals and study options.  It also assists them with updating their Career Action Plan and navigating 

their choices for senior secondary education and post-school pathways.  We hope that all students now have a greater understanding about the things they enjoy and potential careers they may like to research further. 


Coordinating such as large interview process requires a team effort, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank Annette Paterson for the assistance she provided as without her, the interviews would not have run as smoothly as they did.   


Voula Jakubicki 

Careers Coordinator