Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Growing Good People


One of the best ways to increase happiness is through kindness to others. It can be effective even without strong relationships, and the acts of generosity don't need to be large. What really makes prosocial behaviour impactful is the frequency with which we practice it. 


Fortunately, because small gestures towards people we don't have strong ties with can be powerful, we have ample opportunity to develop this daily habit. Plus, it helps us build deeper relationships and creates opportunities to receive kindness from others in return, compounding its impact.


There are many ways for us to move forward in this.  Small steps.  Good people growing from small acts. 


Our core values ask us to show Compassion, Hospitality, Courage, Hope, Justice and Wonder. Imagine our children living a in world that has all these living in our hearts.  So, what are these small acts of kindness? 

  • Compassion – when unkind words are spoken, take a moment to breathe before we respond
  • Hospitality – just smile at someone who is not in our circle of friends
  • Courage – when hearing unkind words/acts to another
    • don’t repeat and spread them
    • challenge the speaker of those words/acts
  • Hope  - know that when we stop the unkindness, it has done good
  • Justice – thinking about those who are vulnerable
    • How would I feel if that was me?
  • Wonder – when the good happens celebrate; don’t hide it

Small acts of kindness.  Pay that kindness forward.  It all starts from one good person.


Suzanne Pola 

College Leader - Student Wellbeing