Nicholls House Celebration Day

On Tuesday, Nicholls House celebrated their first mass together with students across both campuses joining to honour Sir Douglas Nicholls - a man who spent the majority of his life in the service of the Lord.


Father Novie provided a beautiful service which began with a minute of silence in reflection on the passing of Mrs Ros Masterman; who was a part of many students' everyday lives and a valued member of Nicholls House.


At the conclusion of the service, the Year 12 students presented the Year 7 students with a home-made paper omamori - a Japanese amulet that is often designed to represent good luck. This was their first opportunity to officially welcome the Year 7 students to Nicholls House and is a new tradition for Nicholls House that was introduced last year. The students were able to then enjoy a quick lunch together in the Parish gardens before returning to school.


Helen Fontanna & David Armfield

Nicholls House Leaders