
What's happening in Maths
Year 7 and Year 8 students are currently learning about Probability.
Some of our year eight students completed an engaging bottle flip probability experiment with Ms de Boer.
“We went to the Science room and we did 10 flips with 600ml, 10 flips with 500ml, 10 flips with 400ml, 10 flips with 300ml, 10 flips with 200ml, and 10 flips with 100ml. We had to work out the probability of what we got. Kyle got 8/10 (0.8) flips on 300ml. Ryder and Ms de Boer got the most on 200ml. We all believe the highest probability you would be able to get a bottle flip landed would be approx. 250ml. We loved doing the experiment it was really fun!!”
Ryder Bosua-Flintrop, Taliauli Kavamoungaone, Abraham Aiolupotea and Kyle Winters
Jokes of the Month for Probability:
What is the probability of one in five million? But there’s no 1 in 5000000. Only five and six zeros.
What do you call a sheep with a 50% chance of becoming a cow?
A woolly moo-tation.
Year 7-9 students are using Mathletics as part of our mathematics program this year.
Mathletics is a targeted, rewarding and captivating online learning resource, which is aligned to curriculum standards.
To log in, use the Mathletics app or you can go to and click ‘Sign In’.
Each week students have assigned tasks to completed as homework.
The extra Mathletics practice at home can make all the difference to your child’s progress. Encourage them to achieve a weekly target of 1000 points to earn a certificate, building through bronze, silver and gold across the school year. Go for gold!
Numeracy QuickSmart
The QuickSmart Numeracy intervention program focuses on understanding and recall of basic number facts, performance of elementary calculations, acquisition of appropriate mathematics language, and problem-solving skills.
The primary aim of QuickSmart is for the students to develop automaticity. QuickSmart lessons emphasise the development of conceptual understanding. Conceptual understanding is ensured by explicitly teaching strategies that emphasise the key concepts underpinning the academic skills being taught.
“I really enjoy Quick Smart as it allows me to learn my timetables better and I am becoming more confident”
Kyle Winters
Mrs Michelle De Boer
Mathematics Leader