Principal's Report

Exciting Activities this Term
Students, Parents and Carers,
As we enter Reconciliation Week, I pay my respects to all Indigenous nations and their elders, past, present, and emerging. As a community, we focus on learning from the past as we forge positive relationships with people from all nationalities, and remember the significance and sacrifice that our Indigenous Australians have made and continue to make to Australian society.
At the midterm point, I am pleased to share with you some of the exciting activities and opportunities in which our students have engaged beyond the classroom throughout this term.
It is always pleasing to receive affirmation of our students and their conduct within the community. Our junior students recently represented the school at various interschool sporting competitions and I’d particularly like to congratulate the Year 8 girls netball who garnered remarks from referees in relation to their positive demeanour and conduct throughout the round robin.
Mr Patrick Dempsey has accepted the Student Voice and Agency portfolio and will be working with students to identify camps and activities beyond the Year 7 Transition and Year 12 Study camps. With his guidance, student leaders will canvas year levels to garner interest in various opportunities and will research associated costs to ensure that any camp/s offered are affordable for all.
On Tuesday 4 June, student leaders are conducting a fund raiser for the purchase of new books for the book club, by collecting a gold coin donation for attending school in casual clothing. In addition, students will operate a BBQ selling sausages at lunchtime to further raise funds.
Whilst referring to lunchtime food opportunities, I welcome new staff member, Mr Tom Sharkie to the school who has been working closely with our Vocational Major students as they prepare to reopen the school canteen and serve the school community. The students have been working tirelessly during their Work Related Skills (WRS) and Personal Development Skills (PDS) to ensure that the canteen meets all hygiene requirements and operates in a safe and respectful manner.
Students will begin by serving a limited menu as they develop a sustainable business plan that provides a valuable service to Scoresby Secondary College students.
On Monday 27 May, our VCE students undertook research tasks at KIOSK to explore the use of Hydrogen to power motor vehicles without producing harmful gases.
Shortly, some of our high achieving Year 9 and Year 10 students will participate in the Da Vinci competition held at Caufield Grammar. Whilst most participants are from independent schools, our students have historically performed very well throughout the high order thinking activities and will no doubt do so once again next week. We wish them well as they work together to problem solve and develop strategies.
Our student leaders have been invited to participate in further opportunities to develop their leadership skills aimed at 18 to 30 year old aged young adults, with the support of Knox and district Rotary clubs. Two of our leaders will apply to be accepted to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) – a fully sponsored transformational Leadership camp aimed young adults.
Furthermore, our students have been offered the opportunity to participate in the Model United Nations (Model UN) creating an opportunity for students to develop their humanitarian, negotiation and problem-solving skills.
Many of our Junior school students, particularly Year 7 students, have been able to enjoy instrumental music lessons without cost throughout semester one. The uptake has been very pleasing and on Tuesday 28 May, our instrumental music teachers who are all professional musicians will perform at our whole school assembly to further encourage students to learn to play an instrument.
Students and parents will soon receive the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessment results to enable them to track their abilities against expected levels. Historically, Scoresby Secondary College students have demonstrated strong growth from Year 7 to Year 9. The college will use this data to identify students who may require additional supports and/or extension as we plan for semester 2.
During the last weeks of this semester, all students will participate in the Attitudes to School survey that serves to advise the school of areas to celebrate, along with areas for improvement.
The survey results are de-identified and teachers have been using last year’s data during their professional learning community meetings to explore how they can better cater for students as learners and as individuals.
As students undertake this year’s survey, it is important that they consider the statements in general terms, rather than a specific teacher or incident as the goal is to garner an overview of students’ day to day experiences.
As we work to continuously improve the learning environment within and beyond the classroom, I am pleased to advise that an additional 11 classrooms will be fitted with short throw projectors within the first few weeks of term 3. This will enable students and teachers to present to the class during lessons and oral presentations with ease and regardless of the device that they use.
I am also pleased to advise that our neighbouring One Hope Church who use the Student Centre on Sundays, have offered to share the expense of providing equipment to enable our assemblies to better incorporate audio-visual aspects to further enhance the fantastic job that our College Captains do to run the assemblies.
The College Orion (Presentation) Night provides an opportunity for the community to get together and celebrate student achievement and is a very successful evening.
To create further opportunities to celebrate student achievement, the college will hold a ‘semester awards assembly’ during the last week of this semester where parents and carers will be invited to celebrate with the school community, followed by an afternoon tea.
The College Council is the governing body of the college and as such. overseas finances, learning programs and policies. There are several subcommittees that consist of Council members, teachers, students and parents/carers. If you would like to be a member of any of the following Sub-Committees - Education Committee, Finance Committee, Uniform Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee, please do not hesitate to advise me via email.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Acting Principal