
Each day millions of people around the world pack up their belongings and move to a new home. Regardless of their reasons, one thing is for sure – the world’s population is always on the move!
In Year 8 Humanities we have been looking at Migration and exploring the impacts International migration has had on Australia.
Students have been engaging with various sources such as videos, their textbook, worksheets, and involving themselves in class discussions to explore and develop an understanding of Australia’s history with migration focusing on migration policies and their impacts. Here is what our students had to say about this unit of study:
“This was a unit I enjoyed because it was interesting to learn about the White Australia Policy”
Hannah Vardis
“I enjoyed this unit because I could learn about general policies that the Australian government used to handle population or migrants.”
Ethan Vi
“I liked learning about my peers and the different reasons for migration”
Jordan Tram
“I found the multicultural policy interesting because I never learnt about it before”
Lily James
Overall, this short unit was enjoyable and here are a few snaps of student’s work:
Ms Su-Kim
Year 10 Coordinator