Year 1/2 News

Hourig, Dilan and Belinda


This term we are asking the question, 'what impact do the seasons have on our planet'? Additionally we will research and investigate the impact different season have on people and whether these changes in season influence weather patterns, sunlight, temperatures, and if different seasons trigger extreme weather, volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes etc.


Students will learn that a season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons are - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each has its own light, temperature, and weather patterns that repeat yearly.


We are beginning the term with a focus on developing our fluency as readers, and we will achieve this by practising common or high frequency words. Consistent exposure to these words will improve familiarity and understanding of the words in different contexts.


In Writing, we have begun the term by learning about recounts as students wrote an engaging recap of their holidays by descriptively summarising their favourite holiday experiences. We are currently exploring narrative writing as students are learning about how to hook their reader in from the beginning, including interesting verbs and using a plot structure.


This term we are learning about adding numbers by partitioning (which means to divide a number into parts). This addition strategy is encouraged through the use of pictorial and concrete materials.


We are currently learning about Australian Money as students familiarise themselves with the currency, explore its many purposes, as well as add and subtract different amounts of money.