Holy Family Camp Program


In just over a week our Year 3/4 students will be attending their annual school camp from Monday 20th- Wednesday 22nd May and this year will be going to Sovereign Hill.


At school, we have been preparing the children for their camp experience.  It is imperative that parents respond to the notes on Operoo and emails to ensure we are prepared and have all the information required to ensure your child experiences success on camp.  This note was posted on Operoo last week, and a hard copy was also sent home-



I have emailed all parents that responded that their child will need to take medication whilst away on camp.  It is imperative that you check this document and email it back to me asap with any changes required.

Students who have a current allergy or asthma plan on record at school, are not included in this.  We will take the medications from school you have provided and follow action plans as appropriate.


There will be one last notice going out next week with final reminders.  Please check Operoo emails for this.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as I am the Camp Coordinator.


Eithne King

Deputy Principal