Prep DEliza Mekhael for completing outstanding work.
Prep ITWO AWARDS NEXT WEEK (Gabby moved to next week) 
1/2SGMichelle Pangawijaya- for fantastic writing! Well done adding adverbs into your sentences.
1/2MAlyssa Smith for making a great effort to complete her work independently, well done!
1/2FCharlotte De Silva for always being ready to learn and contributing to class discussions . Well done!
3/4CSienna Camilleri- For working exceptionally and trying her best at all times. You are amazing!
3/4LElla Elias for showing kindness to others and supporting her peers to learn to the best of their abilities. You always go out of your way to make sure everybody has an equal chance of learning and growing. Well done Ella!
5/6LXavier Newell for making an excellent start to planning his historical narrative and very thorough research. 

Genevieve O’Dea for always giving a fantastic effort to her work tasks and being a great role model as Environment leader, attending The Patch and assisting the younger students. Congratulations, Genevieve. You must feel incredibly proud!

Anthony Wilson for being a lovely friend, working with great focus during learning and sharing interesting and incredible facts with us. You must feel really proud, Anthony!

5/6SNick Efstathiou for a fabulous effort in Maths. Keep up the great work Nick!
5/6PDSanjvi Singh for being a kind and respectful member of the class.

Oliver McCusker - magnificent reading with a friend in the Library

Will Banbury - fantastic reading in the Library. You really “got lost” in your book!

Lucy Wilson - wonderful reading aloud in the Library