From Mrs David's Desk

Dear Families,


I hope you have had a wonderful fortnight and have been able to enjoy the warm Autumn sun. 


May is the month of 'Mary' which aligns with our celebration of Mother's Day this weekend. On Sunday each of us have the opportunity to honour and be grateful for significant women in our lives - past or present. Women who nurture, love and guide us through different stages in our lives.


One of the greatest joys I have in my life is being a mum. I wish all the incredible women in our community a beautiful day on Sunday.


Dear Lord,

On this special day, we show our gratitude for all Mothers.

We thank them for their all-encompassing love, for their commitment, care and kindness.

We thank them for their wisdom, for helping us grow and flourish.

We thank them for their strength, for their sacrifices, and for being there in times of need. 

And we thank them for their encouragement, for being our cheer leaders and celebrating our achievements.

Lord, help Mothers know how much they are loved and appreciated. 

We ask that you bless all Mothers, including those who are no longer with us today.



School Photos

Just a reminder that our school photographs will be taken on Wednesday 15th May. ALL students must wear their winter uniform with black shoes. Students with hair longer than shoulder length need to have this tied back.


If your child has Physical Education on this day then they can bring sneakers to change in to.


I will remind students that nail polish, make up or extra jewellery is not to be worn for the photos. The students can keep these things for weekends, holidays or parties.


First Eucharist Parent/Child Evening

A reminder for our Year 4 families and students that you are invited to attend an Information Evening on Wednesday 15th May at 7pm. This session is compulsory to attend for students and their parents receiving the sacrament of First Eucharist.

Please contact the Parish if you can not make it on this evening.


First Eucharist Commitment Masses

Next weekend our First Eucharist students will attend one of the Masses as part of their Commitment to receive the Sacrament.


Masses are -

Saturday 18th May - 5pm

Sunday 19th May - 8:30am, 10am


Running the Room (Tom Bennett) Professional Learning

Tom Bennett will be hosting his only Melbourne Professional Learning for Leaders in Melbourne Catholic Primary schools at Holy Family on Wednesday 15th May. He is the School Behaviour Curriculum Advisor to the UK Government.


Our school has already embarked on this learning so we are looking forward to learning more on this day to improve the learning environment for staff and students.


There will be many school leaders from other Catholic Schools joining us on this day.

Changes to School Pick Up on Wednesday 15th May (Important)

The session with Tom Bennett will be held in our 'Gathering Space' until 4:30pm. This means that students will be asked to wait in the STEM/Performing Arts Rooms for Kiss and Drop.


Students not using Kiss and Drop will wait as usual under the shade sail.


 No students will be waiting near the school office.


Parent Curriculum Evening

Thank you to our staff and parents who came along to make our Curriculum evening an engaging learning expereince for everyone. It was wonderful to see our parents learning like their children engaging in Daily Reviews and Spelling Sessions.


Thank you to Jennifer Young (Learning and Teaching, Mathematics Leader) and Natalie Dib (Literacy Leader) for preparing a professional evening. 


These two leaders are released from classroom teaching duties to support our classroom teachers with implementing our curriculum changes.


We look forward to continuing our learning journey with our community throughout the year.


Curriculum Evening Feedback

Thank you for your attendance at our evening on Tuesday. 


You are invited to fill out a 2 minute survey to assist us in planning further information evenings suited to our Holy Family community.


First Eucharist Altar Serving Training

Our students have had their first training session with Father Justel last week. We look forward to having each of them playing a key role in our Masses at Holy Family.



Year 4 Avila/Salesian Expereince Day

On Friday 17th May our Year 4 students will either spend the day at Avila or Salesian College. They will have the opportunity to experience a day as a secondary school student and get to now the facilities that these colleges offer.


Year 3/4 Sovereign Hill Camp

Our staff and stduents are packing their bags as they prepare to enjoy their camp expereince this year at Sovereign Hill. The camp will run from 20th to 23rd May. 


I look forward to listening to the students share their camp expereinces when they retun to school.

2025 Enrolments Open

A reminder to our existing families that enrolments are now open for the 2025 school year.

Please come into the office to receive an enrolment form from Tracey or Rana.


Open Days

Our Open Days are continuing throughout this term.

Walk to School Day

Tomorrow we are encouraging all families to walk to school as part of National Road Safety Week.  Upon arrival at school all walkers will be provided with a fresh piece of fruit.  We look forward to seeing many walkers on this day.


School Advisory Council Meeting

Our School Advisory Council is meeting on Wednesday 15th at 6pm in the Principal Office. Minutes of this meeting will be shared with our community shortly after we meet.


Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

You are warmly invited to our special Mother's Day afternoon tea on Monday 13th May from 1:30-3pm in the hall.  

Looking forward to seeing many of you!



Medication at School

A reminder to all parents that if your child requires any form of medication whilst they are present at school, then the correct documentation needs to completed and delivered to the office with the medication by an adult.  NO student should be self administering any form of medication at school.  Please see the office for an administration of medication form if required.  This form can also be found on our website.


This does not apply to students who have a current Anaphylaxis, Asthma or Allergy medical plan and medication already supplied to the school for 2024.


Soft Plastics Recycling

Thank you to those families who have volunteered to pick up our soft plastics and drop them to Monash Waste Transfer Station.  Please find the roster for this term below.

Term Two Dates



Thursday 9th - Open Day

Friday 10th - Walk Safely to School Day

Friday 10th - District Cross Country

Monday 13th - Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Wednesday 15th - School Photos (Winter uniform)

Wednesday 15th - School Advisory Council Meeting (6pm)

Friday 17th - Winter Sport Round Robin

Friday 17th - Year 4 Avila/Salesian Experience Day

Sat 18th/Sun 19th - Eucharist Commitment Masses

Mon 20th-Wed 22nd - Year 3/4 Sovereign Hill Camp

Wednesday 22nd - National Simultaneous Storytime 

Thursday 23rd - Fire Carriers Commissioning Ceremony

Friday 24th - School Closure Day

Monday 27th - Reconciliation Week (Now More Than Ever)

Wednesday 29th - Division Cross County

Friday 31st - Winter Sport



Sunday 2nd - First Eucharist Mass (10am)

Wednesday 5th - Parents and Friends Meeting (TBC)

Thursday 13th - EMR Cross Country

Friday 14th - Winter Sport Gala Day

Friday 28th - Term 2 finishes (1pm)


Wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend with the special ladies in your lives,


Mrs David (Principal)