Principal Report

Student Leadership Presentation Assembly

I had the wonderful opportunity to present our new student leaders with their badges and certificates earlier this term. We were very fortunate to be joined by Jess Wilson MP Member for Kew for the presentation event. After a fantastic election campaign, including a presentation of their leadership posters and speeches to the whole school, I would like to congratulate the following students on being elected members of the Student Representative Committee and action team leaders:


Learning Action Team – Livian Hunt and Erica Brown

Well-being Action Team – Olivia Trappett and Ryan Kim

Health, Safety and Environment Action Team – Mark Cuce and Mary Kaias

I am really looking forward to working closely with our student leaders on some exciting projects for our school this year and updateing you on their progress.

Education Week

Education week this year ran from the 13th - 17th of May with the theme 'Spotlight on STEM', which highlighted the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It was so exciting to see all of the interactive and exciting activities happening in classrooms and across the school. It was a highlight to see all our parents, friends and visitors joining our students in their afternoon activities.

Capital Works Project Update

Playground progress is coming along. We are all observing this progress and are very excited to experience our new outdoor learning and play spaces once handover is completed!

Mother's Day

It was wonderful to host a Mother's Day afternoon tea for our very special group of Mothers and Carer's. The students and staff were excited to welcome our very special visitors to our Mother's Day edition of Music Club. 


We hope you all had a lovely celebration with your families.

Community Cupboard

Don't forget to access the food that's available from the Community Cupboard. Just let us know and we can send it home.


Amanda White
