Koori News

Kulin Life


The City of Melton is on ancient land that has taken millions of years to form, from the grassy basalt plains and woodlands, to the rivers and creeks, and the low volcanic peaks that stretch westward.

Check out this  MELTON HERITAGElink for more information.

Youth in Partnership


Kirrip and Edmund Rice Services Mt. Atkinson have partnered together to design and deliver a new cultural program for all school-aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth living in and around the City of Melton called Youth in Partnership.


They will meet weekly to increase connection to culture, provide opportunities for leadership development and connect with local Elders and Aboriginal professionals who will run cultural activities.


Following current COVID-19 guidelines for gatherings, all attendees over the age of 12 are required to be fully vaccinated to attend the Youth In Partnership program. (Info from website)


Date: every Tuesday throughout school terms

Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Cost: Free

Location: Varies


Contact Kirrip:

Phone: 03 8088 0764

Email: yaama@kirripaboriginalcorporation.org


Lucy Taylor

Koori Engagement