Success Ticket Leaders

Term 1 – Success Ticket Leaders


I am thrilled to announce the Term 1 leaders in the Success Tickets program here at Kurunjang Secondary. This program recognises and rewards students for their exemplary demonstration of our college values – Respect, Responsibility and Achievement. Leading the charge in Barak House are students from 7B1, with Brooklyn accumulating an impressive total of 38 tickets. He is closely followed by Kade with 20 tickets and Indiana and Amity, each with 14 tickets. Their dedication sets a remarkable standard for their peers to follow.


In our other houses, the spirit of healthy competition thrives. Pyke House shines with Bella leading at 23 tickets, followed by Skye and Zayvier each with 15 tickets. Watts House and Lang House are not far behind, showing strong participation across all grades. Notably, Gavyn from Lang House leads with 18 tickets, and Isabella from Watts House tops her group with 11 tickets. 


These students represent the values he hold dear at Kurunjang Secondary College, and their achievements are celebrated across our community. Let's continue to support and cheer for these students as they set the bar high for excellence within our school.


Mr. Cristino