Principal's Report

Welcome to Term 2! I hope everyone had a rewarding and restful Term 1, setting the stage for an engaging and successful remainder of the semester.


I would like to express my gratitude to each of you for the seamless transition into the school year. Your commitment to adhering to our college's uniform policy has been commendable. Wearing the correct school uniform is not merely a requirement; it plays a pivotal role in fostering a sense of belonging and community among our students. Additionally, it reinforces the importance of presenting oneself in a professional and academic manner.


Furthermore, I want to emphasise the significance of cultivating good study habits. Encouraging your child to establish a consistent study routine, setting aside dedicated time for homework, and utilising effective study techniques can enhance their academic performance and overall learning experience.


Taking home the school bag to complete homework and other assignments is a crucial part of this process. It allows students to reinforce classroom learning, develop independent study skills, and take ownership of their education. By prioritising these tasks, students not only excel academically but also cultivate responsibility and self-discipline.


Coming to school prepared and ready to learn at all times is equally essential. Being engaged and attentive in class not only enriches the learning experience but also lays a strong foundation for future success. The skills and habits acquired in school translate directly to the workforce, where punctuality, preparedness, and a proactive approach are highly valued attributes.


In conclusion, your support in ensuring your child's adherence to the school uniform policy and fostering good study habits plays a vital role in their academic and personal development. Together, we can empower our students to thrive academically, socially, and in their future careers.


Warm regards,


Ms. Aylin Gökmen

College Principal