
Helpful thinking 

Family School Partnerships

This is something that staff at our school regularly reflect on. Recently we had a staff meeting looking at documentation from Catholic Education Office: Learning together: Engaging Parents and Families in School Learning. Below are some points from the document that staff reflected on and evalutated:

  • create a culture that enages parents as partners in learning. 
  • design activities and intitatives designed to connect learning at school to learning at home
  • understand that parents are the first educators of their children and schools are there to support this
  • support parents in understanding how they can work as partners to support their child
  • focus on positive and inclusive relationships and nuture these relationships so that everyone can learn
  • reflect on practices and processes 

Like in any family or group there are going to be times when these things are tough but our school is always reflecting on how we maintain partnerships. 


Learning links, Seesaw, teacher availability are 3 of the things that we try hard to priorities to help us connect with families. 


I hope you all have a lovely week,
