Significant Year 9 Impact Again In 3rd Week of Volunteering Project

Kudos again to the current cohort of Year 9s in our flagship C.L.C (Community Leadership Challenge) program, who have today completed their 3rd week of their 8-week Volunteering Project.



Our Wangaratta Night Shelter girls broke the all-time C.L.C Coles Community BBQ record today ((as Mrs Wilson believes), selling over 80 sausages and earning $220. With many shoppers aware of the funds going toward the Sleep Rough bags provided to the town's Homeless community, many apparently donated cash even without taking a snag. One of those was a past C.L.C student who wanted to "give back" to the program which taught her to do exactly that.


Our Inner Wheel group were back at The Centre in the CBD working with Patti Stafford, and worked diligently in cooking almost 40 meals for the Care Van, which will then feed the Homeless community. Chris Marshall stood out on one occasion, offering to wash the dishes even after they had been given a break. He earned a C.L.C Kindness Box prize at the end of the day in our weekly C.L.C Celebration Circle.​


At Wangaratta West Primary School, our 3 groups again impressed. The 9-strong "Grounds Crew" further transformed the central courtyard garden beds with mulch and muscle, then spruced up the important Out of Hours School Care area, weeding and sweeping, and Ned James and Sam Morey even getting on the whipper-snipper. P.E Teacher Demi Walker continues to be impressed with her three "P.E Clinic Takers", and the three "Classroom Helpers" are in full swing, being trusted to go direct to and from their classrooms, as well as walk to-and-from the school.


The boys assisting at the Illoura Aged Care Home had significant interactions with the elderly residents, this week helping them with games such as Carpet Bowls, and the St John's girls completed some important jobs despite part of the home being locked down.


Thank you again to our C.L.C kids for their contributions, and as always our very generous hosts for taking in our kids each Wednesday.


Jud Mullins

CLC Coordinator