Message from the Executive Principal
Save the date: Subject & Careers Expo
Message from the Executive Principal
Save the date: Subject & Careers Expo
We had our first Subject and Careers Expo in 2023, and after its success, it will now become an annual event. I recommend that all parents and carers consider attending with their child to see what is possible within our curriculum and beyond. Our teachers will be there to speak about their subject areas, and we will have a range of other career options on display, as well as representatives from a range of professional fields. It is open to our students, as well as other young people in our region.
At the High School, we are particularly keen to promote the opportunities of the Department's Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) as a remarkable way to engage with learning beyond our campus, especially fee-free enrolment in first-year university subjects (with full university credit) at every Victorian university. We are pleased to have the Principal of CHES attending our Subject Expo and speaking with students throughout the day - a great opportunity to see what is possible.
Our 2025 Subject and Careers Expo will be in our Performing Arts Centre on Thursday 30th May from 4pm to 6pm.