What's on in 1/2

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen/Garden
Kitchen Session with Deb
We were given a great opportunity to try our culinary skills in the kitchen while the Level 3/4s went on camp. We had some fantastic volunteers to help us cook and eat some delicious food. We made beetroot and hummus dip, shared out rice crackers, carrot and celery and finished off our meal with scrumptious ANZAC biscuits.
"As I walked into the penny wooden kitchen, the parent helpers prepped all the materials and ingredients. From smooth, creamy butter to golden oats. Soon, we met Deb the kitchen teacher. She gave us two instructions.
1. Go and wash your hands with soap
2. Sit at the table with your team.
So, I did. My group was the Cheerful Cherries with Thomas’ mum. We were making cookies. Our station was in the top left corner. While we started rolling the cooking batter in balls, I could already smell the rich, sour lemon mint tea boiling. All the talking made me bright and smiley. The golden, shiny oat mix felt so smooth and oily. I had to brush the extra oil! When we put the rolled cookies into the warm oven, we made the mix for the next class. First, we dumped flour, sugar and oats in the mix. We collected some butter from the fridge and borrowed some syrup from Justin’s group. We put them into the saucepan. Sizzle… sizzle… sizzle went the boiling butter. Once it was fully melted, we poured it into the bowl. We were finished! As we waited, we cleaned the bowls, spoons and pans. It was fun! First, I dipped a cracker into the beetroot. It was spicy and sweet. Perfect! Then the part I has been waiting for… the ANZAC cookies! As I bit into the biscuit, the flavourful taste filled my mouth. It was the best cookie I had ever had!
I had a great time at Kitchen. " Written by Derek 12B
Gardening with Ashley
We have also been enjoying our fortnightly sessions in the garden with Ashley. We have learnt about the best times for planting seeds, growing them to seedlings and learning how to look after them in the classroom. Our latest project is attempting to grow sunflower seeds inside the classroom in moist plastic pockets rather than in soil. Fingers crossed that we are able to germinate some!
We commemorated ANZAC Day by learning about the importance of the day and what it stands for. The students were able to share their own understandings of the day. We also read a couple of special stories such as The ANZAC Puppy by Peter Millet and ANZAC Biscuits by Phil Cummings, to illustrate the meaning of the day and why it is so important for us to show our respect and remember.