Junior School

We have had an exciting start to Term 2! We showed great perseverance in the Cross Country, working hard to finish the race.
We have been learning about different shapes in Maths and have gotten creative making different pictures with triangles and circles. In Literacy, we have been practicing spelling, writing and reading!
This week in Science, we got to make our own little plants from beans. We are hoping to see them begin to grow over the next few days!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
Looking back over the past two weeks, Year 1 have enjoyed being the recipients of the FOGO Award, taking part in fun class activities such as creating with patterns, blocks and writing about special events that have taken place.
The students, along with Mrs Snook and Mrs Tucker, tested their stamina with the Cross Country run and were very proud of themselves for completing the long run. Here are some of their reflections:
I am in Knox and I ran 1km and I crossed the finish line in style! - James
I ran 1km for my team - Eseta
I ran for Cross Country - Ganeev
I was in front at the start - Zoe
I came 4th in the race but I tried my best for my team, Calvin - Anugrah
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
The Year 2's did amazingly at our Cross Country the other week! Some highlights of the day were cheering for others and, for some of the Year 2's, running in the rain. Well done to everyone who participated!
Year 2 also had a very special member of the King's College community come to visit this week; Fezzik (and Mr Wakim)! Everyone loved spending some time with Fezzik (who received lots of pats). Fezzik also did some tricks for the class! We are all looking forward to spending more time with Fezzik throughout the year.
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3 have started to try and improve our reading fluency and now have fluency partners. We listen to each other read and give feedback, working on the same passage of text for a week.
We’ve also continued our learning about Australia and integrated this into Maths, where we have completed an investigation about Kakadu National Park, combining our mapping and angles skills. Whilst learning the skills we needed to complete our investigation, we played some barrier games with maps. This really tested our listening skills as well as our mapping skills!
We also had an awesome effort at the Cross Country! These are our amazing winners!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 5
Recently in Year 5, students have been learning about the three states of matter (solids, liquids and gas) in Science. They particularly enjoyed taking their learning outdoors this week and learning about the volume of solids and measuring them using water displacement. We have also learnt about the density of liquids and experimented by combining some liquids of differing density and measuring the volume of different liquids.
In Maths we have been learning about area, perimeter and scale. The students enjoyed measuring and drawing the classroom to scale. Our Paper Planes novel by Steve Worland has been a hit this term and there have been quite a few paper planes made to date. Students have been perfecting their skills and learning new techniques to create the most aerodynamic paper planes.
At the end of the day we sometimes take a moment to reflect and write down one thing we learnt or enjoyed for the day. Here are a few of the students' comments:
"I learnt a lot in Science" - Lucas
"I learnt a bit about volume and how to figure it out" - Adhyaatm
"I enjoyed looking at websites in Health" - Alfie
"I enjoyed learning how to measure a solid through mils and how liquids can stack by density" - Ashley
"I liked being a leader in Science" - Grace
"I learnt to estimate better" - Benji
"I enjoyed Science" - Jesse
"I learnt how to measure the volume of stuff" - Maisie
"I learnt how to measure volume, I enjoyed working with my friends and measuring different things" - Caitlyn
"I learnt that Science is crazy" - Luca
"We learnt about the reproduction system during Health" - Alfie
"I enjoyed counting in Maths" - Millie
"I learnt about what is the most dense liquid" - Albie
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
In STEM this week, Year 6 were given the challenge to build a bridge out of icy pole sticks to go across a river (printed on paper). They were not allowed to use anything except the icy pole sticks - no glue, string, sticky tape or anything. They came up with some very creative solutions. After they had succeeded at the first task, we then had a competition of three tasks. They could choose to try and create the longest bridge, the highest bridge or the bridge that could hold the most weight. We invite you to judge the winner of each category.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior School LOTE
This term, the Prep students have been learning about numbers. They learnt how to say each number in Chinese language and how to write the characters for the numbers from one to ten. The students were engaged in a variety of hands-on activities such as pin board and play dough.
The students from Year 1 enjoyed doing handwriting to practice the Chinese characters for numbers. They have been very creative when making the number characters with pin boards.
Students from Years 4 to 6 have been learning about months of the year, days of the week and birthdays in Chinese language. Together we have created a birthday chart in our classroom. We learnt that we are all special and unique.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Please see the video below of the Year 5 students singing Happy Birthday in Chinese.
Anna Chen
Junior School LOTE Teacher