Early Learning

Possums & Echidnas
This week the Possum and Echidna children enjoyed a visit from the Flying Bookworms. We watched and participated in three stories: Custard the Dragon, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and The Three Little Pigs.
The looks of delight, wonder and excitement on children's faces were wonderful to watch! After the stories, Claire and Jake told us that we only need four things to be performers as well; a book, friends, a costume (which can be anything) and most importantly - imagination! Children have already started rehearsing and putting on their own shows, and we are looking forward to continuing this interest.
Dramatic play allows children to take on roles, try out new language and ideas, and interact with their peers. Taking on different roles and listening to the perspectives of different characters in stories can help children continue to develop in empathy and understanding. This helps us to follow the words of Jesus:
Do to others what you would have them do to you
Matthew 7:12
Re-enacting stories and using creative arts such as drama are important and valuable ways that children learn and communicate.
Beth Parker
Head of Early Learning
During April, the Koala three year-old group have continued their exploration of strength and moving heavy materials around the outdoor area. The tree near the swings has changed from green to yellow, and dropped many leaves; this has been a great source of transferring fun! The children use small rakes to gather leaves into big piles and transfer them into wheelbarrows.
Another play pursuit has been games of strength using a very long plastic hose. Games of Tug-o-War and Follow the Leader have challenged the children's strength and endurance. The children have been recognising their capabilities and testing them further through their play: "I'm more stronger" - Ella, "I'm strong, too!" - Anna. The Koala children are not afraid of hard work and physical challenges! It's not all serious business however, there has been a lot of laughter and new friendships forming along the way.
In addition to muscle-power play, the children discovered they can use the hose to communicate with their friends. They have been taking turns to listen through the hose, and to sing or speak down it. This later led to designing crazy wind instruments with the construction pipes indoors!
Before ANZAC Day, the children did some traditional biscuit baking. They used some skills they've been flexing at play dough activities to pinch, mold and roll the mixture into balls, then flatten them on the baking trays. We talked about measuring ingredients as we followed the picture recipe, adding whole cups, half cups and smaller teaspoons. We watched butter melt and baking soda fizz. It was exciting watching the changes happening! Making the mixture was just as much fun as eating our ANZAC biscuits together for morning tea.
Mrs. Limbong brought her three black Chickens in for a visit this week. We built a Hen Pen for them, and took turns to hop inside with the Chickens. It was great to watch the children grow in confidence as they fed and held the Chickens throughout the morning. Some of the children have Chickens at home, and shared some information about caring for Chickens and collecting eggs.
What a wonderful start to Term 2 we've had!
Sian Duggan
Early Learning Educator