Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Welcome back to another term!


It was lovely to see everyone again after the break and we are looking forward to all that the term has to offer.  Some of the activities students are engaging in this term, includes tennis clinics, football clinics, a visit from Stig, the narrator from the Andy Griffith books, and the Year 5/6 Wilsons Prom camp.  


Families of Year 5/6 are asked to note that information regarding the camp has been sent home today.  Payment and consent, can be completed online, via Compass, and is due by Friday 10th May.


With the ANZAC Day public holiday on Thursday, next week will be a short week. Please note that Friday 26th of April will also be a pupil free day, as staff will be participating in a whole school professional practice day.  OSCH will be providing care of Friday 26th, for families who require this service, however bookings are essential.  To make a booking, please contact Kath on 0418399861.

At next Thursday's ANZAC Day service, students from the SRC will lay a sheath of flowers, on behalf of the school community. This Year, the 3/4 class will be putting together the floral tribute.  If you are able to contribute to the sheath by sending in 1-2 flowers from your garden, we would really appreciate it.  Please drop off any donations to the office on Wednesday morning.


Due to the current building works and modifications being undertaken to the BER building, the library will not be open for borrowing, until early June.  At the end of last term, students were encouraged to borrow additional books, prior to the library closure. Students are welcome to hold on to these books, until the library reopens, or return them to Megan.


Until the new building is open, all assemblies, including Friday assemblies, will be held in the undercover area.  Please note that our first Friday assembly, for this term, will be held on Friday 3rd May.


We are currently seeking parent helpers to assist with the delivery of Breakfast Club on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  If you are able to help out for one or two sessions over the term, please contact the office.


Reminder: State Schools Relief is now offering eligible Prep families, the opportunity to apply for a uniform package.  Families who qualify for the CSEF Camps and Excursions fund, automatically qualify for the package.  For further information, please contact the office or  visit the SSR website.