From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers,


A very warm welcome back for Term 3 and I trust that everyone was able to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. 


It has been wonderful to see the students return to our learning routines quickly in the first week of the term and also see and hear the corridors come alive with music and dance as classes begin to formulate their concert item for later in the term.


We certainly have an action-packed term ahead that includes:


  • Numerous excursions and incursions.
  • The school concert – ‘Absolute Legends’
  • Year 5 camp to Halls Gap
  • Year 4 camp in the last week of term - Coastal camp
  • The beginnings of the Kinder Transition Program.
  • Father’s Day Stall
  • The Young Authors’ Program.


… just to name a few.


In addition to all of this we will receive the NAPLAN results for Grade 3s and Grade 5s and will be able to disseminate the results to families in the coming weeks.


School Happenings

During the holidays it is always an opportunity to get on top of a few other tasks. During the holidays the following occurred:

  • A meeting with the Building Authority to determine the site of our next portable.  We are in consideration for a double storey modular building and the placement of this building required the input of a number of people.  We find out more at the end of the month.
  • We have utilised the funds raised by our Parents and Friends group to create a seating area around our current Grade 4 portables and also provide some better protection under our Grade 5-6 playground.  These projects will occur over the next few weeks.
Better protection to be provided in this area of Grade 5-6
Seating and garden area to go here
Better protection to be provided in this area of Grade 5-6
Seating and garden area to go here

New staffing in the office

This term we welcome Abigail Willis to the administration team on a Thursday and Friday to replace Tracey Stevens who is stepping back to three days a week. We also welcome Nicole Reilly to the admin team on a Wednesday, moving from the classroom as ES to assist in the office space. 

Abigail Willis
Nicole Reilly
Abigail Willis
Nicole Reilly



Preparations for School Concert

In order to prepare for the school concert here is some key information for you to know as a parent. We will look to be selling tickets to the concert in the next week as the big week gets closer.