Classroom News/Celebrations

Work samples and highlights from our super talented students this past fortnight

Grade Prep: 100 Days of School Celebrations

Grade 5A Peer Tutoring with Grade 2 A

Art: It has been a busy time in the art room of late, here is an update of some of the things that have been keeping us busy.


Students all spent some time appreciating the NAIDOC poster for this year. Students were inspired by the patterns used and the blending colours of the fire. Student used these observations to then blend colours and use some indigenous symbols and dots to paint their own wooden Australian animal and leaf.


Grade 5 and 6 students have completed constructing their wire sculpture animals. Students chose their animals then made a continuous line drawing to develop their understanding of working with wire as a continuous piece. Students then manipulated the wire to create their animal, twisting, shaping, joining and bending to add features like facial features, fur and patterns. The wire sculptures are displayed in the art room and look absolutely fabulous. Students showed resilience and determination working with wire as it was a new medium to work with and didn’t always behave the way students anticipated!


Grade 1 students have been taking inspiration from Van Gogh’s sunflowers they have been eagerly painting using lots of brushstrokes and blending colours, their sunflowers vases will be displayed in the hallways shortly.


Grade 2 students are part way through creating a dinosaur print. They have drawn their chosen dinosaur in parts then cut out foam to make a printing block. Students are very excited to print their dinosaurs next week.

Grade 3/4: With the excitement of the Olympics in Grade 3/4, we have been having a great time learning about different countries as well as Olympians from around the world and writing their biographies. We have also used these writing skills to write biographies about special family members. We will next be moving on to Procedural writing, and as you can see in the pictures, the students in 3/4C quickly learnt the importance of being very specific with their instructions as they tried to teach Ben how to make a vegemite and cheese sandwich for his lunch…it did not go well for Ben! In Maths we have been working hard on building our knowledge of multiplication and how to use different strategies to solve multiplication problems we do not know yet. It has been wonderful seeing everyone challenging themselves to improve each week. Of course, our concert preparations are in full swing – see the photos for some sneak peeks of the main campus’ act. The Batesford team will also be busily creating part of their fantastic costumes at school over the next week! Finally, congratulations to all of our 3/4 Superstars who represented Rollins at the District Athletics this week – perhaps some of you are future Olympians in the making?

Koorie Club:

Grade 6: Grade 6 students have been participating in Book Clubs this term. They work together to create group rules and discuss the book each week. So far they’re doing a great job!

Grade 2