Grade 5/6 BioLab Excursion

BioLab Sporty Maths & Skin Deep 


Sporty Maths is all about mathematics in action. Students will participate in physical activity to generate mathematical data sets utilising our state-of-the-art technologies.

Students will be hands on with our latest Fitlight Reaction Time Technology.  Using their own primary data results, students will learn how to round decimal numbers using an open number line. The program encourages students to take a more fluid and flexible approach to solving problems, while developing a better number sense. Students enjoy developing a deeper understanding of the logical reasoning behind rounding decimal numbers, rather than blindly following an abstract ‘rule’.



Skin Deep introduces students to the body’s largest organ and the role it plays in regulating body temperature.

Students gain a deeper understanding of the structure and function of skin by using optical and digital microscopes. They also investigate the effect that exercise has on body temperature using our physiological sensors and data loggers.

During the program students use their science inquiry skills of observation, questioning, predicting and inferring, and form their own conclusions about the role of skin in temperature regulation.