First Eucharist

Parent and Child Workshop

Last Thursday, students in Grade 4, who have committed to making their sacraments, attended a Parent and Child Workshop as part of their preparation to receive this sacrament. 


Students began preparing for this sacrament in Religious Education lessons last term and will continue their preparation this term. Families will have received a guide book for supporting their child in their faith journey of discovery and growth. Family discussion around the sacrament of the Eucharist is the most important outcome of this resource.


Students will make their First Eucharist at St. Laurence’s Church, Leongatha on August 31 as part of the Saturday evening 5:30 pm Mass or on September 1 as part of the Sunday morning 11:00 am Mass. 


As always the invitation is open for you to attend either Mass to offer your support for members of our St Laurence's school community. 


All Grade 4 students will attend a whole day Eucharist Retreat at Mary Mackillop College on Friday, August 30. More information to follow.