Junior School 

Performing Arts

Mrs Katie Sinclair, Junior School Music Coordinator

Dates for your diary  


Date / Location





Thursday August 1String players

AMEB String Exams



Monday August 5 Year 5-6Tickets for The Grunch on sale through Orange Civic Theatre 
Monday August 5Brass Students

AMEB Brass Exams 


Wednesday August 7Piano Students

AMEB Piano Exams 


Thursday August 8Jitterbugs / UpBeats

Orange Eisteddfod – School Dance Groups


Friday August 9Year 1-4

Orange Eisteddfod - Verse Speaking



Monday August 12Woodwind Students

AMEB Wind Exams



August 30 Stage 1 & 2 Choirs

Orange Eisteddfod – School Choirs 



Wednesday September 4Junior Concert Band + Junior String OrchestraOrange Eisteddfod – Bands & Strings Day


Friday September 13


All string ensemblesKWS Strings Concert (DPA)


Wednesday Sept 18

Thursday Sept 19

Years 5-6

Stage 3 Musical – The Grunch


Stage 3 Musical  Dates


GlasshouseWed 31 Aug LUNCHCritic Leads – choreography 

How Can a Critic

Train to Whoover

Wed 31 Aug PERIOD 5

Critics / Commuters / Paparazzi

Drama Club & Junior Stars

How Can A Critic

Train to Whoover

Gonna Write A Musical 

Thurs 1 Aug 7.45am Critic Leads – acting 

Scene 7

Scene 4

Fri 2 Aug 


Junior Stars + Chorus 

Mrs Woods / Isadora

Three Feet Tall


 Wed 7 Aug LUNCHLeads – acting Scene 1
Wed 7 AugDrama Club Leads / Chorus, Junior Stars etc. Scene 3 – Gonna Write A Musical
Thurs 8 Aug 7.45amJavier, Leslie, Rachel, Allen, Jamie + Reporters (Andie, Oscar, Henry, Lachie C)Scene 8
Thursday LUNCHIf You Love Something  - choreography  
FRIDAY LUNCH  As above (just Year 5) – Junior Stars Chorus  


Best of luck of all our students across strings, brass, woodwind and piano who are sitting music exams over the next few weeks. Mrs Martin has communicated times to parents and students, please ensure you arrive at the Music Centre 20 minutes BEFORE your exam.  

Another String To Their Bow

In Term 2 Mrs Moxey ran a practice competition for her string students. The parents of her students tallied up the number of days that the students practiced over a six-week period. We acknowledge all those who participated in the competition.  


The winners, Joshua Leung and Georgiana Saran practiced EVERY day of the six weeks for a total of 42 days and, more importantly, achieved massive improvement in their playing and excellent exam preparation. We also will acknowledge Sophia Martin who was runner-up with 41 practices in the 6 weeks.  Congratulations on this outstanding effort. 

Scales Day 

On Saturday July 27, Mrs Moxey’s Comprehensive Examination students participated in Scales Day. This is where they get the opportunity to test the memory and accuracy of their Technical Work programme by performing it to each other.  All the students had prepared their programme thoroughly and should feel confident at their AMEB examination this week. We wish them well. 


Should you have any queries regarding co-curricular music ensembles or instrumental tuition please do not hesitate to contact us: 


Junior School Performing Arts Coordinator, Mrs Katie Sinclair at ksinclair@kws.nsw.edu.au  


Performing Arts Administrator, Mrs Sharon Martin at performingarts@kws.nsw.edu.au