Student Wellbeing

Ms Olivia Kite, Director, Head of Wellbeing

Building Respectful Relationships in Our School Community

Schools play a central role in the intellectual, social, and emotional development of children and young people. We are a place and space where respect and equality can be modeled to help shape positive attitudes and behaviours. This term, our focus is on fostering respectful relationships within our school community.


What is a Respectful Relationship?

A respectful relationship is characterised by mutual respect, good communication, understanding, and honesty. Such relationships can exist between a child and parent, siblings, peers, friends, or a partner. In all these contexts, respect is foundational to building trust and positive interactions.


Our Wellbeing Goal for Term 3

The aim of this term's unit is to model respectful behaviours and attitudes in order to teach our students how to form safe, positive, and respectful relationships across a wide range of social situations. By emphasising these principles, we hope to equip our students with the skills necessary to navigate their social worlds effectively and empathetically.

Themes Covered in Term 3


1. Respect and Relationships

We begin the term by exploring what respect looks like in various types of relationships. Students will learn about the importance of treating others with dignity and kindness, and how these behaviours contribute to strong, healthy connections.


2. Consent

Understanding consent is crucial in all interactions. This theme will cover the basics of consent, teaching students about the importance of asking for and giving permission, respecting boundaries, and ensuring that all parties feel comfortable and safe.


3. Setting Boundaries

Setting and respecting personal boundaries is a key component of healthy relationships. Students will learn how to communicate their own boundaries clearly and how to respect the boundaries of others, fostering mutual respect and understanding.


4. Discrimination

We will address the impact of discrimination and the importance of standing against it. Students will learn about different forms of discrimination, how it affects individuals and communities, and how they can contribute to a more inclusive and respectful environment.


5. Wear it Purple Day

In celebration of diversity and inclusion, we will participate in Wear it Purple Day. This event highlights the importance of supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and promoting a safe, supportive environment for everyone.


6. Being Respectful Online

With the increasing role of digital communication, it is essential to discuss online behaviour. This theme will cover the principles of respectful online interactions, including cyberbullying prevention and digital etiquette.


7. R U OK? Day

Mental health and wellbeing are integral to our overall health. R U OK? Day encourages us to check in with each other and provides strategies for having meaningful conversations about mental health. We aim to create a supportive community where students feel comfortable seeking help and offering support.


We are excited to embark on this journey of learning and growth together. By focusing on respectful relationships, we hope to cultivate a school culture where every student feels valued, understood, and respected.