
Favourite Teaching Moments of Your English Teachers
Teachers in a recent English domain meeting shared some our favourite teaching moments.
Here is a snapshot of what they said……………..
I love how invested some students become in arguing their case for or against an idea or a character. When the ‘turn & talk’ gets loud and animated, you know you’re on to something!
Ms Lamaro
I love when students get so excited during the story-writing process. Whether it’s for a CAT or just a short lesson starter, it brings me so much joy to see all that creativity being scribbled down on a page from a passionate young person!
Ms Digolis
I love teaching English and seeing the pride that students have when they produce good work. I had a Year 12 student who is a reluctant writer come to me with a “wow” moment. He had produced something that he was proud of, and I reminded him that we don’t always need the whole tree... starting with a seed is just as important.
Ms Ackland
A favourite part of my job is conferencing with students about their writing. Ideas are shaped and refined and the end result is usually a much better product. I enjoy re-reading their work aloud so they can hear the punctuation and the success of the final draft.
Ms Lamb
Watching Year 7s engage with the library space, reflect on their reading selection and asking questions as part of English is extremely rewarding.
Ms Bernado
I love it when students in my Year 8 class call out “that’s something Ricky Baker would say” For context, Ricky Baker is a character in the film we studied last term, Hunt for the Wilderpeople. They still feel so connected with the characters even though we are now studying something completely different!
Ms Redman
Year 12 students are embarking on their final outcome in English. It is great to see their grit in bunkering down to get the best they can out of their learning, making connections with their skills and challenging themselves to learn new things.
Ms Crowe
One of my favourite things about teaching Year 7 is reading all the fabulous creative writing. Their imaginations and willingness to take risks in their thinking and writing never ceases to inspire me.
Ms Davola
I absolutely love my Year 11 English class. Every single lesson they are a joy to be around. They are loving choosing parts to read from the play Macbeth. They are loving putting on accents when they read especially the three witches and the old man. It is nice when students comment how English is their favourite subject.
Ms McNeil
I am always proud of my Year 11 Literature students who eagerly try to learn new metalanguage. They make a real effort to incorporate this new, challenging vocab into their writing and today were using words like ‘chiasmus’ in their responses.
Mr Clayton
I love when I see my Year 11s experimenting with vocabulary in their writing, it doesn’t always fit but they are brave enough to try and keep trying.
Ms Fraser