Year 1-2


Our Specialist Timetable

Tuesday - Art 

Thursday - Japanese, STEM and Physical Education

Friday - My Future Academy alternates with Assembly

Upcoming events 

Book Week Highlights

On Monday 12th August, Perform Education cleverly presented a play based on several short-listed books. In preparation for the incursion we read:

We loved these books, responding to them creatively. 

Father's Day

We hope all of the Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles and other male role models had a wonderful day on Sunday.

Father's Day Chocolate Balls

We hope all our dad's and special people enjoyed our delicious Father's day treats.


We are investigating why rules are important. We imagined what it might look like at school and at home, if there were no rules. We also look at the clues that our bodies show us when we are feeling safe, and when are feeling unsafe. 


 There are around 20 vowel sounds in English. It is one of the most complex vowel systems in the world. In Heggerty, we have been substituting vowels in the middle of words, listening carefully to the differences we can hear when vowel sounds are spoken aloud.



We have commenced a unit of work on poetry.  Over the next few weeks we will explore the features of, and to write a variety of poems including acrostic, couplets, colour, senses and haiku. 


We have concluded our Unit of Work on Addition and Subtraction. Students have really enjoyed exploring friends of ten and utilising numerous strategies to add and subtract up to 2 digit numbers. We have practised counting on, using doubles, counting back, jumping and splitting using counters and numberlines. We've used lots of different games to practise these strategies such as the one below 'Connect 3'. Have your child teach you how to play!

For the remainder of the term we'll be exploring length.


Mathemagicians - 

A one hour session for year 1 and 2 Mathemagicians was held on Monday 26th August.

The theme was all about Money - Let's Go Shopping!

Students needed to use their counting skills and understanding of the value of money to solve shopping list costs. It wasn't always as easy as it looks!

Mrs Christine Buhler


Our current unit of work is called, 'Jesus Helps Me Choose.' It centres about the sacraments; why we have them and how they influence our lives. We will explore the concept of forgiveness, both forgiving others and being forgiven. Over the next week we will listen to the parable of The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4-7) and discuss the moral. No matter how lost we are, Jesus will never stop looking for us. 


We've been investigating how animal habitats have changed over time and the impact humans have on animals and their ability to source the things they need to successfully survive. One way of helping our native bird population is to create bird feeders where we can make their lives a little easier. We took time to design and then create bird feeders with recyclable materials. We had a busy day and Mrs Stewart was very impressed with the variety of creations. We'd also like to thank the Burton family for supplying us with the wild bird seed. 

Athletics - Wednesday 28th August

Uniform - Lost Property

As the weather warms up, the students are beginning to take off their jumpers during the breaks. We have been working on looking after our belongings, but... the Lost Property basket is full of unnamed and unloved clothing. Can you please make sure all removable items of clothing are names so they can be returned to the rightful owner. 


Missing Apple Pencil

Karen's Apple Pencil has gone missing in 1/2K. We've searched high and low! If you happen to find it, it is worth 20 stickers and an instant prize from the prize box.

Upcoming Events

My Future Academy - Friday 6th and 20th of September

Wellbeing Day - Friday 13th of September

Last day of Term 3 - Friday 20th of September



Until next time,


Katherine, Karen, Fiona, Dee and Lisa