Year 9 Ski Camp

Success on the Slopes!
Pizzas and snow plows, toe sides and heel sides, face plants and bruised backsides – such is the ride and rush of ski camp. Thank the heavens above for the half-meter snowfall the weekend before, and off we went to test and hone our skiing and snowboarding skills. The students had an amazing time, making significant improvements and conquering all the mountain’s slopes. Their keen energy set the agenda for the week as they pushed to new heights and forged bonds and memories to last a lifetime. Another great success on the slopes!
Mr Raz Sappideen
Year 9 Coordinator
My favourite moment at ski camp was going up to Abom on a really foggy and windy day. The visibility was so low that I could barely see the ground while going up the lift, but going down Abom in that weather was exhilarating. It was also the first time I had experienced snowfall, and having snow fall while I snowboarded down Abom was truly fascinating. I was a bit nervous going up the lift since it was very windy and cold, but my friends were with me and went down Abom together. Although I was inexperienced with snowboarding, going down Abom in harsh conditions was an amazing new experience that I really enjoyed.
Peter X
Year 9
Ski camp was one of my favourite camps ever. It was highly memorable, and the memories I made with my friends are irreplaceable. The camp was well organised with plenty of time for skiing and snowboarding. What made it special was learning alongside my friends. My favourite part of the camp was going on the blue runs, especially the summit, where my friends and I went down together and made many memories. There were times when we were scared, but when we pushed through, we all enjoyed it in the end. It allowed us to build stronger connections and bond face-to-face rather than through our phones.
Sunisa G
Year 9
My favourite memory was probably the last day, as it was a clear blue sky, super busy, and we were able to go on a lot of new and different tracks. When I decided to go on the summit run, the steepest and hardest blue track, it took a lot of guts and looked incredibly hard, but it turned out to be fun and not that bad. Unfortunately, we only got half the day to ski, but I had so many other great experiences such as taking photos with friends on the lifts, skiing with friends not knowing if I was going to fall over, laughing so much that I literally cried with people in my cabin, night activities with the year level, and eating ramen while watching Friends. Honestly, this whole trip was incredible and fantastic to look back on!
Amelia M
Year 9
My favourite memory of this year’s ski camp was the second last day when my friend Chelsea and I took the chairlift to the top of the mountain. It was windy and cold on the way up, and it even started raining. Once we reached the top, it started snowing, which was a special moment for me as I had never seen snow fall before.
Amy L
Year 9
My favourite memory was going down the slopes with my friends and watching them develop into incredibly talented and skilled skiers and snowboarders! I absolutely loved this experience, as well as the amazing times shared with my awesome cabin mates at night. It was great to spend time with my friends at a unique location we may never get to experience together again. It was an amazing adventure, and I am ever so grateful to have been able to experience it with this fantastic school.
Tom M
Year 9