From the Chaplaincy

A depth of spiritual understanding;
A sense of adventure;
A spirit of generosity;
Arms opened wide to welcome challenges;
An all-embracing warmth;
An abiding expectation of good;
An attitude of gratitude.
Meet my friend. I’ve just taken a moment or two to acknowledge the spiritual values so evident in his nature and character. I purposefully attributed ‘a depth of spiritual understanding’ as number one, because that is the underpinning influence for what provokes his thinking. Being an avid traveller he has written his memoirs, a source of mirth, wonder, and inspiration.
Here’s an excerpt from his journeys through Mexico, more particularly the town of Oaxaca. He titles it “Home is a state of thought”.
As normal when arriving in a new town, we headed for the main square. Usually there would be a hotel on a couple of the corners, and we would try to book a room. Here they were all full. It was the Mexican President’s birthday and he was from Oaxaca. Big festivals were planned and the town was packed for the celebrations. We circled a few blocks back and every hotel and hostel was full. Venturing even further out we stopped and asked a young guy working on his car if there were more hotels in this direction. “Yes, but they’re on the outskirts. Hop in and I’ll take you.” He said.
He kindly drove us to three more. Darn the President. They were all full too. Our new friend said, “Well, there is nothing for it. Mi casa es su casa.” (My house is your house.) He took us to his parent’s humble two-roomed house. His younger brother and sister were moved out to sleep with the parents and they gave us their room. What an experience! Concrete floors, wooden beds, low tin roof.
That evening our friend took us to a local eatery and then to the local lookout to take in the sights, and draw in the fresh evening aromas of the valley. Maybe we should thank the President as we were beautifully looked after in local Oaxaca style. We even got to go to his birthday celebrations.
What could’ve turned into a daunting prospect, was actually an opportunity for my friend to affirm, in the words of the psalmist, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty”. He understood that ‘secret place’ to be an abiding consciousness of divine Love, and an abiding trust that the presence and power of the One Altogether Lovely is our provision and safety.
The Chaplaincy Team