Around the Grounds - Junior School

Welcome to Term 3!
The cold and damp conditions have had no chance of suppressing the enthusiasm that Junior School students and staff have brought to the start of this term. In our first few weeks we have enjoyed a Little Choir Little Concert, District soccer, Divisional netball and the Junior Chamber Choir’s performance at the Kodaly Choral Festival. Preparations are in full swing for the interschool RoboCup competition, to be held on Friday August 9, whilst our Tournament of Minds (TOM) teams are hard at work preparing for their first round of competition in both The Arts and in Language and Literature. The usual busy roster of lunchtime and after school activities - chess lessons, Lego in the library, Tech Club, Eco Warriors, Junior School Council and Art Club, to name a few - provide abundant opportunities for our students to pursue new interests and extend themselves. We are so fortunate to have so many different opportunities, provocations and motivations to uplift thought during the winter term.
Our Junior Chamber Choristers outdid themselves at the Kodaly Choral Festival on Tuesday July 30, which was held at Carey Grammar. Not only did they sing (in both English and Swedish, in three beats and in five) with musicality and skill, but they were true ambassadors for Huntingtower in their behaviour and audience participation. Congratulations to the Chamber Choir, and many thanks to our accompanist, Ms Stephanie-Jane Lewendon-Lowe.
Our Prep students celebrated their first 100 days of primary school on Wednesday July 31. This is a meaningful milestone; the growth and development our Prep students have shown since the beginning of the year, with the care and guidance of Mrs Sue Kouvelis and Mrs Kathy Prince, has been significant. Thank you to all our Prep families for fostering the independence, resilience, curiosity and kindness that has brought your children this far and will see them thrive in the years to come.
Semester 2 is Bike Ed time for our Year 4s. Led by Mr Nick Dinnison and Mrs Kylie Williams and with the support of some very generous Year 4 parents, our Year 4 students will gain a comprehensive foundation of knowledge in cycling and road use. We look forward to seeing the students riding around campus and, when they are ready, on local roads as they demonstrate their new skills and knowledge.
Looking ahead, September has two big events to note on your calendars. Three choirs, JS Strings and Percussion Ensemble will perform in the PAC on Wednesday September 11; every student in the Junior School has been working hard on their repertoire and we look forward to singing and playing to a packed house. The Ball Games Carnival, to be held on Friday September 13, promises to be an action-packed afternoon of sporting excellence in true Huntingtower tradition, and we trust that all the Ball Games fans in our community will be there to raise the roof with Ruthven and Thomson war cries.
Best wishes for a fabulous Term 3!
Ms Carly Major Gough
Head of Junior School
Term 3 Captains
We are proud to announce our Year 6 leaders for Term 3!
Ruthven House Captains
Rehan S & Kenneth Z
Thomson House Captains
Ethan X & Jaxson B
Art Captains
Austine W & Austin P
Music Captains
Mabel L & Ashton W
Year 2 Kitchen Garden
This week the Grade 2 Kitchen Garden students made Spanikopita rolls using some produce from their garden. They enjoyed learning how to make them … and …. of course how to eat them!
Mrs Jayne Dickson
Food Tech Teacher
100 Days of School!
On Wednesday, our Prep students celebrated 100 Days of School! The students arrived to school with fireworks (on the screen), balloons and students and teachers wishing them well. We are all very proud of them!
Mrs Kathy Prince
Prep Teacher