From the Principal

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Welcome to Semester 2 and the array of exciting activities ahead. I hope that over the break students took the opportunity to play a sport, pursue a hobby, pick up an instrument or try something new. Such activities are vital not only for expanding our horizons, but also for encouraging us to set aside our smartphones and extend our social connections beyond the digital realms of social media apps.
The desire to promote genuine connections is part of the reason for Huntingtower’s recently introduced Student Mobile Phone Guidelines. I am grateful for everyone's support as we encourage more face-to-face interactions. This policy responds to the broader impact of social media, which not only affects the user, but also normalises behaviours that, ironically, can be very isolating. By addressing these issues together, we strengthen our community.
At Huntingtower, we are deeply committed to promoting a healthy mindset, which is why we place such importance on our residential programs such as the Year 9 Ski Camp and Year 11 Uluru trip. These programs are crucial for fostering collaboration and encouraging students to look beyond their immediate experiences to their roles within a larger context. This semester will see the continuation of various extracurricular activities such as the Senior School Production (The Addams Family), Tournament of Minds, Chess and Debating. In the Junior School we are set to enjoy the Junior School Instrumental Concert, Book Week Parade and Ball Games Carnival. The diverse range of activities available promote a variety of touchpoints for student engagement.
Furthermore, our Parents and Friends (P&F) initiatives, including the Father's Day Breakfast and the upcoming Movie Night, provide excellent opportunities for everyone to engage with our community. I warmly encourage you to participate and enjoy the camaraderie we all benefit from when we come together.
If you are interested in reading more about the presence of social media and smart phones today, you may like to consider the following resources:
The Anxious Generation
Institute of Digital Media and Child Development
Digital Addictions: A Family Guide to Prevention, Signs and Treatment
Smartphones: Assessing Readiness from Children and Screens
Better Screen Time
Am I Ready for a Personal Device? A self-evaluation for parents and teens. (From Better Screen Time)
Mrs Shan Christensen