Principal's Report
Tim Furphy, Principal
Principal's Report
Tim Furphy, Principal
Happy week 5 everyone! The last fortnight has been quite a busy one with athletics, Cobaw basketball, NED assembly and a BUPA visit thrown in. Looking ahead into the next fortnight:
The Yo Yo's from our NED assembly have been ever to popular, purchasing these play an important role for other schools to access this amazing assembly experience. Lauren (our performer) told stories and engaged our students through the use of three core ideas:
Never give up
Encourage others
Do your best
The yo yo tricks were just one part of some very important messages!
A HUGE thanks to all those that braved the cold last Thursday and made our athletics day happen. It certainly was a chilly one, but a fun one at that! It was nice to see everyone get involved in throwing, jumping, obstacle coursing and running towards the end. Here are some photos from the day:
A reminder for trivia night which will be held at the Newham Hall on October 12th. Please save the date for what looks like a great night. We'll also look to include a goods and services auction on the night. If you have something you think you could contribute, OR are willing to help organise/plan/run the event please come along to our meeting on Friday 23rd August at 2:15 (prior to assembly) at school.
Schools out have reduced thier prices considerably to provide thier service at our school. The service (before subsidy) costs $10 for AM and $15 for PM. Most families are paying less than $3 per session, some less than $1. It's well worth it! Wednesdays ARE AVAILABLE, however at this stage there are no bookings for Wednesdays.