Parent Information

New Bus Schedule - Parafield Gardens Route
We are pleased to advise a few changes have been made to the Parafield Gardens school bus route to be more convenient and safer.
Please download the new bus schedule from our website to review this new route, and if you live in the surrounding areas and would like to take advantage of this new service, please download and complete the bus booking form from our website and return it to the front office.
Farewell Morning Tea for Mrs Gliddon
On Wednesday August 14, we will be having a day of Celebration as we say farewell to Mrs Gliddon.
The entire Centre will be heading over for Worship at 8:40am, and families are welcome to join for a morning tea at Curiosity from 9:30 - 10am.
Please RSVP to Mrs B if you would like to attend:
Developing Minds Free Webinars
My name is Amy and I am the practice manager for the SA based paediatric psychology clinic Developing Minds - I wanted to let you know we have a free webinar series coming up designed to help parents/caregivers of primary aged children understand common mental and emotional health challenges in these children, and the ways psychologists work with children and families managing these problems.
Parents/caregivers can register (for free) for 1 or all 3 of these webinars. There is an attached a flier about this series (or parents/caregivers can go here):
Together We Can Appeal
In Week 5 (19th -23rd August), along with our Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we will be supporting Lutheran Care in their mission to help people in the wider community. We are calling it ‘Together We Can!’
Lutheran Care are looking for these items:
- Pasta
- Pasta sauce
- Tinned tuna
- Tinned fruit
- 2 minute noodles
- Sweet biscuits
- Toothpaste
- Soap
All items must be sealed and in its original packaging. We ask that you bring these items to your classrooms during this week. They will be collected and stored in the front office. On the Friday, they will be moved over to the Worship Centre where church attenders will add to the collection on the Sunday. This is just one way we can share God’s love with others. Thank you.
Advance Notice: Pupil Free Day
A reminder that on Friday 6th September, the primary school will have a pupil free day (school closure). This day has historically been for families to attend the Royal Adelaide Show.
On this day, our team will be completing a range of Professional Development opportunities - these include our OSHC staff, so OSHC will not be running on this day.
School Uniform: Hats
Hats are required to be worn whenever students are involved in school activities held outside during the months of August to May. Students not wearing a hat during these months will be directed to under the verandas during playtimes. Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named before sending to school.
School Absences
Please don't forget, if your child is going to be absent from school you will need to notify both their classroom teacher and the front office. This can be done via email. The front office email is:
Online Safety at Home
Next week, our Stage 3 and Stage 4 students will be participating in the eSafety Commission's digital safety webinar as part of the ‘Bullying No Way: National Week of Action’.
During these informative and engaging sessions, students will listen to a presentation learning valuable lessons about online communities, digital citizenship, keeping safe online, and basic online privacy and security skills.
For parents wishing to continue these conversations at home and adopt safe online practices with their children, the eSafety Commissoner has a variety of resources available to help tackle tricky things like understanding and implementing parental controls, online privacy, dealing with cyber bullying, and digital technologies and mental health.
You can access these resources and more via this link.
Book Week Parade 2024 - Save the date!
"Reading is Magic"
We are very excited to be celebrating Children’s Book Week this year. Our Book Week Parade will be happening on Thursday week 5, the 22nd of August at 8.45-9.15am.
Students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. If students are dressing up, we ask that they also have a copy of the book that their character appears in, or a copy of the front cover of the book will also be accepted.
Please note, we do not expect you to spend a lot of money on costumes. Get creative, using items that you may already have, or try your local op shop. You can also find some great simple ideas online at sites like Pinterest.
There will also be a designated area for parents to come and watch if you are able.
Keep your eye out for other special Book Week events and activities in the weeks to come!
Book Week Activities
During weeks 3 & 4 students can participate in two activities in the leadup to Book Week.
- Voting will be open for students to Vote for which Shortlisted book they think will win.
- Voting slips will be available from the library desk.
- Completed slips can be placed in the Wishing Well in the library.
- Colouring In Competition
- 2 Colouring in sheet options are available from library staff.
- 1 sheet only to be entered per student.
Both Events will close at 12pm on Friday of Week 4 (16th August).
Happy Reading Everyone.
Don't Forget to Book Your Tickets!
Click on the link to purchase:
Equipment Needed for Outdoor Creative Play
Our outdoor creative play area is a much loved and well used space in the area by the junior primary playground.
If you would like to contribute, we are looking for the following items to top up supplies for the children to play with:
- Sheets (flat or fitted)
- Old cooking equipment
- Old muffin trays
- Match box cars
- Toy trucks
- Large Cardboard Boxes (to turn into cars) no bigger than 1m x 1m
- Outdoor decking squares
Please bring them into reception attention to Mrs Corbett.
Thank you
Father's Day Stall
We are excited that once again the Father's Day STALL and RAFFLE for Father's Day is coming up. We are seeking volunteers for the stall and donations for the raffle.
We need more volunteers to help man the stall. Wednesday and Thursday of week 6 - 28th and 29th August, particularly on Thursday. Please return your form to the front office or get in touch with the team. Thank you for your time.
Are you a business or are you happy to gift a raffle prize, voucher donation, or discount to help our school? We know it's a big ask, so in return, we can offer to advertise your business and post a thank you within our school community. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Fathers Day Team,
Jodi Quast
Alana Siedel
Sarah Pound
Alix Zeppel
Kim Crane-Noonan
Volunteer Training
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities within our school for those interested in contributing to our vibrant community at Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista, and your involvement is crucial in creating a nurturing environment for our students.
Our next Volunteer Training session is:
- Monday 2nd September at 3:30pm
There has been an update to the training and any new volunteers from July 2024 onwards will now need to complete the RRHAN-EC online course.
To learn more about the available opportunities and the application process, please take a moment to review the attached PDF document. We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our educational journey, and we look forward to welcoming you as valued members of our dedicated team