
We are Special to God
Before we jump into our devotion, I have a few riddles for you, that I shared with the students this week at Worship:
- What gets wetter as it dries? (A Towel)
- What must be broken before you can use it? (An egg)
- What has a face and two arms but no legs? (A clock)
Riddles are lots of fun right? In our message on Wednesday, we heard about a man who told a riddle that caused a big problem. That man’s name was Samson, and he was one of the judges of Israel. His story comes from the book of Judges. It teaches us all that God made us for a reason and we are very special to Him.
In the years before Samson was born, Israel had had many judges, or leaders. Israel would forget about God and start worshiping the idols of the surrounding nations. God would punish them by allowing their enemies to conquer Israel. Eventually God’s people would cry out to Him and He would send a judge (or leader) to help the people defeat their enemies. Finally, Israel would enjoy a time of peace until they began to forget God again and the cycle would start all over.
One day the angel of the Lord appeared to a man named Manoah and his wife. The angel promised that they would have a son named Samson and he would rescue the Israelites from the Philistines. Samson was to be set apart for God, so the angel told Manoah and his wife that they were never to cut his hair. God blessed Samson and made him really strong! God was going to use Samson to save His people. As the story unfolds, Samson has his hair cut and God left him.
Samson was eventually taken to prison and because he had disobeyed God and cut his hair, he was still without his strength. But remember, God made us for a reason and we are very special to Him. Through God’s blessing, Samson regained his strength and was able to free the Israelites from the Philistines. God made each of us for a reason too.
He made each of us exactly how He wanted, and remember, God doesn't make mistakes. You have the friends that you do because God wanted you to be with them. You live where you do because that's where God put you.
God made us for a reason and we are very special to Him.
Brett Humphrys
Deputy Principal (Senior Primary)
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Sunday Service Times
Friday Evening Service at Good Shepherd
Did you know we offer informal Friday Evening Worship Services here at Good Shepherd church once a month? Our next gathering is coming up on August 30th at 7pm in the church café. The theme is ‘God’s got your back’ based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. The service is informal, visitor friendly, and interactive. Come along! Bring a friend! We’d love to see you!
2024 Worship Song Playlist
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!