Sports news

Season wrap-ups
St Mary’s College had another successful Water Polo season in Term 2 with four teams competing across the Year 7-12 rosters. Both our Year 7/8 White and Year 9/10 teams made it to the semi-finals and a very big congratulations to Mia Styles (Year 7) and Bella Carter (Year 10) who finished up second in their respective Most Valuable Player (MVP) tallies!
We would like to thank our amazing coaches, Mark, Marcus, Matilda, Molly and Evie who did an outstanding job throughout the season. Your commitment to all the trainings, support of our players and the late nights at the games (especially on a Friday!) is commendable and we hope to see you back on deck for the 2025 season. Continue reading for our season wrap-ups below.
Mia Blignaut
Sports Coordinator (Senior School)
SMC Grade 9/10 Water Polo Team
Report by Marcus (Year 9/10 Coach)
The SMC Grade 9/10 Water Polo team enjoyed a highly successful season. As their coach, I took great pride in witnessing the team's impressive development and steady improvement throughout the year. Despite falling short against a formidable Taroona High squad in the semi-finals, the team's fourth-place finish on the ladder was a commendable achievement. Congratulations to Taroona for going on to win the championship. I would also like to highlight the outstanding individual performance of Bella Carter, who earned second place in the MVP Award for the 9/10 competition.
SMC Grade 7/8 Green Water Polo Team
Report by Evie Christie-Johnston and Molly Medina (Year 7/8 coaches)
During the season, the SMC Green team brought a positive attitude to all of their trainings and games, with all the players eager to play and learn more about the sport. As time went on, we saw players develop new skills and refine their existing skills, ultimately creating a positive playing dynamic within the team. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in making the finals, but nevertheless all players gave 100 per cent to every game and training, and we applaud them for their outstanding effort.
SMC Year 11/12 Water Polo Team
Report by Matilda Buckley (Year 11/12 coach and SMC alumna, class of 2023)
The 2024 water polo season for the St Mary's team has been marked by significant growth and development across the team. Although we did not succeed in a game win, there have been individual players who have shown remarkable progress in various aspects of their game, contributing to our team’s overall improvement.