Take note

College calendar
The Connect parent portal provides a comprehensive view of the College calendar and school-wide events, in addition to online reporting, class news and announcements relevant to your child.
To access the secure online calendar, please log into the Connect parent portal (which limits access to parents and carers only).
Save the date:
Book Week | Monday 19 to Friday 23 August
Book Week is just around the corner and our College is gearing up to celebrate books and the joys of reading with our community.
Throughout Week 5, we will have displays in our library and opportunities for students and staff to participate in activities that celebrate reading and books and allow us to explore the 2024 theme: Reading Is Magic, including a poetry slam, creative workshops and a pet reading competition. See the full list of exciting activities on offer here.
Book Week Parade
On Wednesday 21 August students are invited to bring their favourite book to school and, if they wish, dress up as a character from the book.
Parents and carers are warmly invited to join in the fun of the parade from 1.45pm as students from Kindergarten to Year 6 parade their costumes and books in the Nagle Centre.
Photos from the parade and the day's events will be shared on our social media channels and in the next Fountain newsletter.
Chess Fun Day | Sunday 25 August
St Mary's College is pleased to be hosting the next Black Square Chess Girls' Tournament and Fun Day on Sunday 25 August, welcoming chess enthusiasts from surrounding schools to our Student Resource Centre (library) for a brain-busting battle of wits!
Whether you already play chess or would like to learn a thing or two in the game, this event is a brilliant opportunity for individuals of all ages and abilities to build their tactical skills and practice strategic thinking in a fun, inspiring and non-competitive environment.
Our chess culture is thriving at SMC, with a growing number of students getting swept up in the craze, and we hope to see this community continue to flourish in 2024 and beyond.
For more information and to register, visit blacksquarechess.com.
'Come and Try' rowing experiences for Years 6–11
The easiest way to get started in rowing is simply to try it!
St Mary's College is offering students from Years 6–11 the opportunity to experience this unique sport for free through a number of upcoming Try Rowing sessions, which introduce the basics of rowing, ranging from technique to understanding the level of teamwork involved in crews.
The College's Year 6 students will be attending their rowing experience as a cohort on Tuesday 27 August.
Students in Years 7–11 are invited to register their interest in participating in a session, which they can do online via the form linked here, or by using the QR Code in the flyer below.
The rowing season commences in Term 4. If your child would like to join the school's rowing program following the Try Rowing session, keep an eye out for more details to be shared closer to then.
See you on the water!
Father's Day Breakfast | Wednesday 28 August
Save the date, dad! It’s time to celebrate the fathers and special father figures in our lives with the annual St Mary’s College Father’s Day Breakfast.
Join us on the College Green for a hot breakfast burger, barista coffee, hot chocolate or juice on Wednesday 28 August from 7.30am – 8.30am. Fathers, special persons, daughters and sons are all welcome. This will also be a great opportunity to enjoy our new Murphy’s Café outdoor seating area!
RSVPs are essential for all attending family members by Friday 23 August for catering purposes, via the link here. Please include dietary requirements.
Win a three-day study trip to Canberra in 2025
Entries are now open for the 2025 Simpson Prize, a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students that focuses on the service of Australians in World War I and II.
The competition encourages participants to explore the significance of the Anzac experience and what it has meant for Australia.
Eight winners are chosen from each state and territory with the opportunity to travel to Canberra to participate in a three-day study program in early 2025.
If you are interested in learning more about the competition and how you can enter, please contact Mrs Sonia O'Leary, soleary@smc.tas.edu.au or refer to the information posted in Connect.
Donations wanted | Annie Kenney Young Women's Refuge
To do our bit for those in need, in particular young women in our community, the College is running a donation drive for the Annie Kenney Young Women's Refuge.
Each Pastoral Care group has been allocated a list with items that we are seeking donations of. We encourage students and families to dig deep this week and make a donation by this Friday 16 August. We thank you for your generosity and support
Hobart USA College Sports Scholarship Information Session
Please view the flyer below for more details on this information session, which is open to all students from Years 8–12 interested in learning more about the US College pathway, and their parents and carers.
From the Junior School
Tea towels coming soon!
Our Junior School students have produced a fantastic collection of individual portrait drawings, which will be screen printed onto high quality white tea towels for our College community to enjoy.
These may feature in your kitchen, make lovely gifts for family members or provide a special keepsake of your child's time at SMC.
There are four different tea towels to choose from. Each tea towel design will feature artwork from two combined classes. See list below for each configuration:
Option 1: Kinder and Prep
Option 2: Year 1 and Year 2
Option 3: Year 3 and Year
Option 4: Year 5 and Year 6
Tea towels will be $15 each and orders can be placed via the QKR! app shortly. More details will be shared with families soon.