Secondary Notices

Important Dates:
- Tuesday, July 30 and Thursday August 1 - Secondary School Photo Days
- Friday, August 2 - Stage 6 Subject Preferences Information Session. Brisbane Street Campus
- Monday, August 5 - Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations start
- Friday, August 9- Stage 5 Subject Preferences Information Session. William Cowper Campus
- Friday, August 16 - Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations end
- Monday, August 26 - Leave Weekend. Boarding Houses Open 2pm.
Attendance Expectations
At Calrossy Anglican School we know that consistent attendance is key to our students' academic success and personal development. We remind all parents and guardians of the expectation that students attend school every day.
On the rare occasion that a student is unable to attend or you are collecting your child early, please notify us promptly by emailing our attendance office at
Timely communication helps us ensure the safety and well-being of all students.
It is our expectation that all students are at their mentor class by 8:40 AM each day with their mobile phones secured in their YONDR pouches.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in fostering a productive learning environment.
Julia Boland - Head of Senior Secondary
Trial Exams
In Weeks 3 and 4 (Monday August 5th to Friday August 16th) Year 12 will be sitting their Trial HSC Examinations in the Brisbane Street Campus Auditorium. These exams are the last school-based assessment tasks Year 12 will sit before their final HSC Examinations in October and are a significant milestone in completing the HSC.
Students have already been provided with the schedule of examinations. Most students will sit 5 or 6 exams over the 10 day examination period. Examination sessions begin at 9am and 2pm each day, with examinations ranging in length from 1 hour to 3 hours. Students should read their schedules carefully to ensure they arrive early for each examination they are sitting.
During the times when students are not sitting an examination, Year 12 Day students may remain at home to study. Boarders seeking leave to go home for any part of the Trial HSC Exam period should speak to the Boarding Office for approval. All students will have access to the Senior Study centre or the library to study during the examination period. Please note that failing to attend an exam due to travel issues is NOT considered a valid reason for misadventure under NESA rules, other than in extreme cases (e.g. car accident, flooding or other natural disaster)
In the event of illness on the day of an exam, students should seek medical advice from their doctor and get documentation of the illness. There is an Application for Variation to Assessment that should be submitted to the school, and appropriate arrangements will be made according to the circumstances. There is a short window of time in which missed exams can be caught up if missed due to valid instances of illness or other misadventure, or other options available in the event of protracted illness.
During this time of year, Year 12 students are encouraged to take extra precautions with their health to ensure their HSC is not adversely affected due to illness or misadventure.
Any enquiries regarding Trial HSC Examinations should be sent to the Director of Studies (
Matthew Frazer
Director of Studies
Calrossy Secondary School Photo Days