Junior School Notices

Junior School Photo Day: School Photo Day
Wednesday 31st July, Orders for Individual photos close Friday 9th August Orders for Sibling photos are closed. Regardless of sport/PE uniform days, all students K-6 must be in full winter dress uniform. Please ensure you have the following compulsory uniform items
- Prep: sports track suit pants and Calrossy striped rugby jersey.
- K-2: navy woollen jumper to wear with their winter uniform
- 3-6: Blazer to wear with their winter uniform
- K-6 girls must have either long navy socks or navy stockings
- Everyone: polished shoes
Little Learners Club: Commences for Term 3 this Friday 2nd August and runs each Friday for the term from 10:30-11:30am in the Prep rooms. We hope to see you there.
ESTEEMS KIDS: After School Care Please contact William Wong on 0410 841 628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Students must be booked in by midday, for on the day bookings.
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday 31st July, Junior School Photo Day
- Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th Year 3 to Point Wolstoncroft for Camp
- Tuesday 13th August - HRIS Soccer Gala Day
- Thursday 15th August - HRIS Primary Athletics
- Thursday 15th - Friday 16th August - Year 1 Sleepover
- Week 5 - Book Week and Week of Wellbeing.
- Wednesday 21st August – Book Week Parade at 9:15am in the WCC Hall
- Week 9 JS PT Interviews
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243